How to find the best Discord server for you
If you are not quite familiar with Discord and Discord servers, I will introduce them to you briefly. Discord is a pretty new platform that allows you to join servers where you can talk, chat and do a lot of other fun and useful stuff with others. You can even create your own server. Basically, Discord servers are giant chatrooms, but with many and many advanced features, more than one chat channel, and much more. I personally fell in love with discord because the options it gives you are endless and fantastic.
There are tons and tons of Discord servers out there, public ones, private ones, or even V.I.P. ones. There are also a lot of ways to find and join them. Like listing websites, just by searching for them in Google or even finding them directly within the actual Discord app or website. Create your own server would be a great option too but also probably the most difficult one. At least from start, I would recommend joining some servers others had created, see how it works, and then you can start your own one. I am sure you will have fun doing both.
Know what you are looking for
There are all kinds of people in this world and so are discord servers. There are thousands of them. Some are similar to others, some are unique and some are even secret and not easy to become a member of. As I said…